God, Don't Waste My Time
As tough as it is to go through, sometimes it’s just all in the waiting. Are you in a season where you find yourself waiting on God?...
Fool's Gold
Has life landed yourself in a place where you wanted to be? We often walk through this life with our intentions, purpose, drive, and...
An Appointment With Disappointment
A new season is here! After a long period of shorter days and cooler air, it’s hard to believe the bite of Winter has loosened its gnaw...
Stoic Heart
Two simple words: Too. Much. Sometimes it’s all just too much! Life has a funny way of testing the ways we deal with plan B. Not...
Are You Alone With Loneliness?
Are you making an ally with loneliness? Many of us are walking through this life logged and clogged into social media accounts where we...
Be Aware of Prayer
First and foremost, Happy 2019 to each and every one of you! We hope that 2018 was filled with growth and transformation into His...
But I'm Bitter!
All of us have moments in our lives where we suddenly find ourselves assimilating with bitterness. Maybe it’s the actions of someone...
What is Your Company?
“Do not be misled, bad company ruins good morals,” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Have you ever spent so much time with somebody you catch...
Has God Forgotten About Me?
The mountain is getting higher, the air is a bit thinner, and the soles of your shoes are wearing thin. It’s a constant climb to find...
The Demonstration of Salvation
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it...