Think about Your Thoughts
When a burglar enters a home, it is an unwarranted attempt to invade an individual’s space and property for the sole purpose to adversely...
Renewal of the Mind
The metamorphic stages of the butterfly are often pegged as a graceful phenomenon that keeps even most intellects in awe of its aptitude...
Who Am I?
Who am I? It is a question that can foster countless thoughts and beliefs that adopt a concluding statement of our identity. The gospel...
Faithful Father
We live in a place where the only constant element to life is change. It sounds ironic but nothing here on Earth walks in a pace that is...
Bye Bye Burden
If you have ever gone on a hike, you probably know what it’s like to carry supplies in a knapsack on your back. In this bag are numerous...
Persevere for Perseverance
Let’s face it, following Christ can be a difficult walk. Everything that Jesus taught is in direct contradiction to what the world would...
What is Sacred to You?
As a child there are always things we want. New bikes, dolls, games, or whatever the latest gizmo of the time are, we just have to have...
The Buffer for Suffer
As life prevails forward, it is easy to feel at a loss in certain situations. The music has come to a halt, the curtains have closed, and...
For Everything There is a Season
For everything there is a season… This popular scripture holds many truths to it. Much like the altering weather outside, our lives are...
Reverence for the Lord
From a young age, we understand and know the difference between right and wrong. We know it is right to share, and wrong to steal. It is...