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Glad You Found Us!

This post is the kickoff to an exciting tribute of the Lord's heart that is after you. That's right- after YOU! Your existence wasn't a fluke, an accident, a mistake, or a regret but rather a well thought out plan with intricate details for a specific purpose. Your value is immeasurable and stretches beyond any slightest idea that we may have about ourselves. With that being said, it's time to take charge of the things that are inhibiting our true worth and placing us in a race with no real finish line. It's a race that keeps us running and striving for something that we ourselves are unsure of. It is difficult to go after something that we do not know. This is comparable to a police officer and catching a suspect. If it wasn't for witnesses describing physical features or mannerisms of that person, it would make for an impossible find.

As funny as it sounds, that analogy has two key points that are directly related for a life of freedom and joy. First: It is time to start knowing and understanding who God has made you to be and to finish the race in victory. Secondly: God has already given us the tools, His Word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit to guide us along this path, therefore we are equipped with everything we already need through Him and His gracious love.

Friends, the time to start truly living is now. It is time to cut ties with our sinful selves and be transformed into a woman that is pure and honorable.

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