What is Sacred to You?
As a child there are always things we want. New bikes, dolls, games, or whatever the latest gizmo of the time are, we just have to have it. In order to achieve this item we can take up extra work around the house or neighbourhood to gain an allowance. Thus, little by little and time after time this work finally pays off and the item is officially yours. You love it. You protect it. You guard it. This item is considered precious or even sacred to a child as much hard work was put into it. In the same way, there are many principles God has set in place that even as a child of God, we need to start abiding in the sanctity of these aspects.
A part of a lyric that could summarize this post is the following, “When nothing is sacred, there’s nothing to lose. When nothing is sacred all is consumed.” This is indeed true. There are two important factors in this quote. First, when sanctity is yielded, there is no sense of loss. Secondly, we may even overindulge if we do not understand why barriers are in place. When sin becomes a stronghold, (and we may not even realize when it does), it has a funny way of becoming counterfeit in a web of deception and lies. This then interferes with what our understanding of sacredness is and when things should be deemed as such.
Probably one of the biggest threats to sanctity that is under constant trial is purity. This notion has been beat up, torn up, left out, and forgotten about it and remains under constant pressure among society. The main culprit is the false belief that everything is ok and that there are no consequences for our actions. Nothing is considered wrong anymore and so, sacredness is under attack. The definition of purity reaches many principles as it is defined by: the freedom from anything that pollutes, contaminates, debases and so on. This applies to what we do with our bodies, what we think about, and what we say. In order to stay true and honourable, one must keep purity sacred.
The Greek word for sacred is hagios and refers to something being properly revered and worthy of veneration. The Bible mentions many things that fit this status. Marriage is sacred (Matthew 19: 4-6), your body is sacred (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20), life is sacred (John 3:16), your heart is sacred (Proverbs 4:23). The list can go on and on, but one thing remains as the common denominator; the individual choice and effort to make these things known as worthy of praise.
The same steps we took to purchase our childhood bike extend to the toil and protection of all these personal aspects. God can change our perspective and direct us in the right direction if we lean on His understanding of sacredness.
And so we leave you with this word,
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from doing evil,” (Proverbs4:25-27).