Faithful Father
We live in a place where the only constant element to life is change. It sounds ironic but nothing here on Earth walks in a pace that is perpetual. What is popular today, won’t be tomorrow, and what was once a trend yesterday has come to fade away. What remains relentless however is the faithfulness of the Father and His word that seeks to pursue, guide, and comfort His people. It has lasted the test of time and will continue to be the lantern to guide every step even if we are at a time of lamentation. Paul writes, “If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is,” (2 Timothy 13). The Lord will never go back on His promises. He says what He means, and means what He says.
Through seasons of trial and intense pressure, understanding God’s true character and personality amidst these seasons assists in removing the focus off of ourselves, and the problem(s) we may be facing and more so on the solution. As believers in Christ, we must train our emotions and mind to align with the spirit of God by in which our focal point aligns parallel with that of the Lord’s final say. Taking the “me” component out of every problem derives a catalyst motion away from our own understanding to something that stretches into an abundance of peace despite the situation for His timing is perfect. The Lord is always faithful and turns every weary circumstance into something beautiful. Sometimes it is difficult to keep holding on to something that looks so remote, or to even find joy. Ecclesiastes 3: 11-12 tells us that we do not know the scope of God’s work from beginning to end, and to remain in happiness as we wait upon the Lord to finish the work He started. It is interesting to note that God knew about your problem before you realized you had a problem and He was already at work on your behalf for the solution! It’s a bold yet comforting statement.
If you are walking in a season of constant winter, where bitter temperatures have cut through even the strongest parts of you, have no fear! New life, and new change is brewing. We pray that through these seasons patience will freely flow and give birth to perseverance, a stronger character, and finally a new hope in Christ.
And so, we leave you with this word,
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good His faithful love endures forever!” Psalm 107: 1