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Be Done With the Title of Entitlement

Thinking we are entitled for the things we do in this life is probably one of the biggest lies that has grappled many of us in the ways we process our thoughts, our beliefs, and what we think we deserve. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that we are entitled to everything we’ve worked for, studied for, prepared for, bargained for, waited in line for, yelled for, reasoned for, changed for, saved for, argued for, cried for, invested for and the list goes on and on.

The bottom line? You aren’t entitled to anything this world may give you. Period.

Yikes! Sounds kinda depressing doesn’t it?

This world has zero obligation to meet your expectations. Nothing, nada, niente, nil.

The fact of the matter is that whatever we do here on Earth, if we fully depend on this phrase of entitlement, can lead us into a host of different disappointments. Disappointment thus manifests in anger, fear, and even depression. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t be looking at the glass half full or with no sense of expectation or hope ever, but rather an attitude where we can walk through adverse situations and still be joyful, expectant, and more importantly, not take things out on God!

Now, when ARE we considered entitled?

In the eyes of Christ of course!

Every single purchase made on that cross made by Jesus, gives us the right for every opportunity under the authority of heaven to take back what has been stolen from our lives.

Going back to this word’s original Greek meaning, entitlement or aksióō refers to: reckon as worthy, matching value to actual substance – i.e. worth as it corresponds to reality.

So that means in the eyes of Christ, YOU are worthy, YOU are important, and YOU have value! This is the reality we live in each day with God by our side!

The moment we put emphasis on ourselves, is the moment we’ve done ourselves a disservice.

Friends, what we do, what we say, how we think is our choice – good or bad. Remember what we do sporadically, gets done periodically, then gets done repeatedly, which leads into a bad habit. Don’t let the lie of worldly offers and entitlement keep you from moving forward.

It’s time to drop the title of entitlement and see ourselves the way God sees us.

And so, we leave you with this word,

And He said to all, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me,” (Luke 9: 23).

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