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The Midpoint Check In Point

It’s already the month of June! It’s also the halfway point of the 2020 year, and my my, what a year it has been! As we entered the first 6 months of 2020, it seemed as though we didn’t get a chance to poise ourselves fast enough to deal with what was fast approaching. The abrupt closure of the economy on a global scale, the postponed or cancellation of events, and the notion to stay home as much as possible grappled all of us.

And even though all of this, let us not forget the word of the year that was spoken over 2020.


This word came as almost a warning to believers to truly Focus, despite what was to happen in this new year. The prophetic word said,

“It is time to get back on track and realign focus on the One who sets the good and righteous path before us, the good and righteous path of thought, and the good and righteous path of perspective in this New Year. There have been many distractions that have come in the way of your priority with Me such as fear, victim mindsets, and self-pity that tries to come in the way of who YOU are in ME, in different situations. These are things that will be crushed in the New Year when you abide in Me.”


“Some of you are in a place where you are “happy with nothing.” Meaning, you are happy with the bare minimum. You’ve convinced yourself that there is nothing left for you to take, to hope for, and are satisfied with the mundane, bad news, unfulfilled expectations, disappointments and cycle of this life where victory seems to have been lost. I’m here to tell you that even in these moments I am with you, and I am equipping you to see ME in the situation.”

This begs the question, have we really become accountable for our thoughts, behaviour, and perspective thus far in the year? Have we fully seen and relied on Christ in EVERY aspect of our daily lives? Or are we smitten with our own desires, beliefs, propositions and sanctions?

Friends, the reality is that God is really searching each of our hearts, and if we are indeed anchored in Him despite the storms of this life. God is so compassionate and is always willing to work with us and help stretch us so that we can come to a place of unshakable faith, hope, and expectation.

It is also important to realize the adverse dissemination that is choking our growth in Him. Sometimes we don’t even realize it, but the enemy is always plotting some sort of lie to throw us off track, often every single day to keep us from the main thing that matters in this life; our relationship with Christ. If he can convince you that this lie is truth, we can fall into a slippery slope of despair. Maybe it’s doubt, maybe it’s lack of self-confidence, maybe it’s self-adoration, or maybe it’s our work. Whatever it is, don’t fall for the gimmicks and games he is trying to play in your head to shape your perspective off the rails from Christ. Call him out on his bluffs!

The Bible says,

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour,” (1 Peter 5: 8).

In its original Greek context, the word “Alert” literally means to stay awake. Don’t fall asleep and fall victim to the schemes of the enemy. We to have a role to play in remaining stealthy, remaining, fruitful, and to remain our focus on God.

As we look at this midway point for this year, it also comes with a sense of self reflection. Are we indeed reflecting back the mind of Christ, or do we need to brush up on a few things?

And so, we leave you with this Word,

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD,” (Psalm 112: 7).

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