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2023 Prophetic Word

It is the time of excitement and long awaited fruition. I see your heart’s desires and the dreamer’s dream. Of course I do, I your God place them there. Push through and persevere. Most give up because they lack in perseverance. But what is perseverance?

I am your perseverance. Do not be discouraged. My timing is perfect, intentional and never late. I know you do not see this yet, but I your God is always on time. I tell you, persevere!

Do not be foolish and and think result is driven by a one and done situation. This is never the case. Remember, I can mold you, I can break you and remold you again. My timing is perfect. It is not over. It is never over. Persevere until the end. Nothing is impossible. I want to bring back child like faith to you. That faith that tells the mountain to move and it moves. The faith that gets excited and even sounds foolish to some. I will bring this back to you. This walks hand in hand with perseverance.

The large tree does not fall with one hit. The rock does not become smooth with one wave. You will start to see things you have prayed for take shape through consistence.

Persevere and remain consistent and steadfast in Me as you have already done.

Measure your thoughts with My thoughts. You have been in a season where your thoughts have become your god and your hope and your home. Be extremely alert, attentive and wise in this area for a dweller in the mind is a dweller for life.

The year of the dreamer’s dream is upon us. Walk with Me. Talk to Me. Excitement and joy is upon you. I am your perseverance.


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