2024 Prophetic Word
I am so proud of you. I am proud of how far you have come in your walk with Me. I know this is not an easy walk. The journey is not easy and it has not been easy for you. Nothing of what I say or teach is easy to accomplish on Earth. Every prophet that has come before you has looked foolish and stood alone until they were right. You walk counter to the world but in fullness in Me. That’s what matters the most to Me. You and I. Me and you. That is it. Nothing else to it. When you walk with Me, you know Me and become a reflection of Me. You have already been in situations where those around you have felt my presence through you and you have not even known it. Well done. This is my kingdom on Earth.
Do not become distracted with everything around you. No matter what this kind of distraction looks like, do not get caught up in what the world can offer you. It is counterfeit and leaves you never content with anything so do not pursue things that are bottomless.
This year will bring about breakthrough that is coming fast. You will think, “Do I even deserve this?” The time has come. The time is today. The time is now. Acceleration in dreams you haven't even thought of will be brought to fruition this year. I am your God that tells the wind when to change. The time is now. I see you you trying to run faster than me in certain situations. Trying to make things work in your way and in your time. I tell you, My timing is for you and not against you.
I also tell you, be very mindful of your enemy who prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour. All he can really do is wait for you to let your guard down and become weak and vulnerable. There have already been moments when he has gotten the best of you and you knew it. Don’t make it so easy for him! Remain deeply rooted in Me and he will flee. This year, you will start to see things for what they really are as I am training you to see in the perspective of heaven. As you begin to see things for what they are, you will have the ability to change situations with the words you speak and people will listen and crave the truth you speak. They will ask you questions so be prepared to give them answers.
I see you laughing and crying tears of joy. Breakthrough has arrived my child because I am your God. I am your God. I am shattering the walls for you to walk out of.