Heavy Spender
Obviously, money has value.
But how does it get its value?
It certainly doesn’t come from the mere piece of paper it sits on.
So the question still stands, where does the value of money come from?
Simple economics tells us that the value of money is dictated by supply and demand. The less something is ‘demanded’ the less it will cost. At the end of the day, the spender will determine how much he or she is willing to pay, or willing to justify the price on something based on its worth.
For instance, a Walkman in the 1990s’ was certainly an item of prestige and value. Today it can be found at your local second hand store collecting dust.
This simple comparison is much like ourselves. Although we are not all ten dollar bills, however we too have value… but where does it come from?
Is it from our success? Career? Fame? Relationships? Status?
No, that can’t be right.
Our value or worth comes from how God the Father sees us. Transformed. Blameless. Pure. Restored in His sight. So much so that He was willing to die for us when we were still sinners. That’s like seeing the best in someone when they are robbing your car!
According to the original Greek word for worth is Axios, and refers to: weigh in; assigning the match value; weighing as much as.
Therefore, when we evaluate ourselves or think about our worth, we often place our identity with the temporal things we have done and accomplished- good or bad. This is a dangerous frame of mind as it places value on merely our own works and actions.
Although the world’s definition of value changes with time, demand, supply, honour, prestige, and status, you can be sure that your value is not based on what you do but rather what He has done for us!
Jesus is a heavy spender on us. His wallet becomes empty just to know us.
Don’t get caught up in the world’s definition of value and worth when in response you were designed to be bought and set apart at the highest price. Let’s start demonstrating this worth today. You are not a cheap commodity or a number of ‘likes’ on a social media page. Unlike the Walkman that graced itself in the 1990s', you are not a fad or something that becomes outdated or obsolete over time. You have been assigned a mighty value and a mighty purpose.
So friend, let's continue to give our pennies to the Spender, who gladly exchanges them for relationship with us.
And so, we leave you with this Word,
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows,” Luke 12: 6-7.