How Do You Cope With No Hope?
It’s hard to believe that this is the LAST blog post of 2020. For a year that was locked up, closed up, restricted, postponed and cancelled; it sure did fly by fast!
First and for most, I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you who take the time to read these blog posts every month for the past (almost 4) years!! Whether it be your words of endorsement, your encouragement, the ‘shares’ on Facebook, the personal messages telling me that these blogs have spoken to you in a specific and timely fashion in your life, or even reaching out to me in person with a similar conclusion, proves that God has a purpose for not only me who writes them; but for you as a reader. I am truly inspired by all of you who comment, ‘react’ and share what God has highlighted for you in the blog posts and in your personal life! You have taught me a lot, and with that alone I am immensely grateful. I also appreciate the fact that we can be authentic with one another through community and fellowship in an online platform like this. We definitely needed it this year more than ever! As I write, I too am also learning and being obedient to what God has to say. These blogs have not only challenged me as a writer, but my faith and walk with God too. There were times when I didn’t want to write at all; or felt like I had nothing else to say, but God has a funny way of pushing you even when you don’t want to do what He wants you to do!
So, before I jump into the very last post for 2020 (and cut the violin haha), again, thank you for sticking with Christ even when life got very hard, when life didn’t make sense, or when life was not fair. Or maybe you are still walking in a season of hardship and trial. Thank you for walking the walk, and talking the talk when it could have been more easy or convenient to turn away from Christ in these bleak moments. Your life, grit, and tenacity is more inspiring than you know.
Thank you.
With all that to say, let’s dive into December 2020! Woohoo!
Christmas time is here.
Did you notice?
It’s pretty hard not to right? Between the glimmer of the lights outside, spotting decorated trees through windows, holiday music, and the hyper commercialized consumeristic frenzy we are pushed to believe; is Christmas really here?
Maybe it is, but maybe we’ve chosen to avoid the real reason this holiday exists. No, it’s not the tinsel, it’s not the presents, and it’s not the bows. It’s not the trees nor the music. I’ll even go as far as saying it isn’t even about gathering together (although that’s always a bonus). Let’s face it, without the gift of Jesus and His teaching on how to love, how would we even know what fellowship, friendship, and family are in the first place?
The gift of Salvation that entered our world is nothing to take lightly. How is it that He would come for us? Take a moment to think about that for a moment. He came down for YOU; whether you accept Him or not. Talk about sacrificial love!
Jesus is the gift of not only this season but for all seasons- physically and metaphorically. He is the way when there is no way. He is the light in the darkness. He is the Good News when there is bad news. He is Truth, He is Joy and He is Hope.
Jesus wants to be your friend, friend! Sounds kinda cliché right? We’ve probably all heard this phrase in school, church, and by the people around us. But, as this place continues to be on a trajectory of leaving no room for Jesus in our lives; the consequences are not even visible anymore. For instance, much of the people we know, or even ourselves struggle with anxiety, depression, drugs, loneliness, despair, hopelessness, confusion etc. We all try to hide these issues. We bury them, try to forget them, or disguise them or even self-medicate or self-diagnose. The thing is, you can’t! If Jesus isn’t the hope for your life, than life will never, ever make sense to you. We can't stress this enough.
No Jesus, or know Jesus; the choice is yours.
His gift of Salvation is yours to obtain not only when you die, but here on Earth too. Jesus came to change you, shake you, and break you. He wants YOU living in your full identity in Him. Do you accept His gift?
Above the craziness that Christmas has unfortunately turned into; look for yourself this Gift of life that Jesus offers us and that the world tries to make us forget about- not only at Christmas but every day. Let’s uphold this truth and purity to a higher standard. We have a large responsibility to spread love and hope to a fallen world. Let’s use it wisely and let’s use it kindly.
As this year wraps up, we pray that you continue to walk in boldness and wisdom and into the identity that Christ has called you forth in. Rise up friend, there is still work to be done!
And so, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and may Jesus’ gift of new life be yours to obtain, nourish and cherish always. You are blessed and a blessing!
And so, we leave you with this Word,
“Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord,” Luke 2:11.