Prophetic Word 2022
Stepping Out; Stepping In
New words do not mean new ways of life or the old has expired. My Words do not grow old. Keep pursuing Me in all that you do.
You have stepped out of certain ways, events, aspects, scenarios and situations of life - the good and the not so good. On purpose, or not.
You have stepped into certain ways, events, aspects, scenarios and situations of life - the good and the not so good. On purpose, or not.
I your God help you to step in to good and out of darkness for it is far too easy to become comfortable in evil ways and justify this behaviour. You do not have to be tangled in the dark. You may be in a season of darkness, but you do not have to dwell there or let it consume you.
Step out, to step In.
Look around you. Look at what I have done. Leave the former things behind and do not look back. Do not pick up old things. You must step out to step In:
In MY presence
In MY goodness
In MY methods
In MY ways.
Step out, to step In.
I see you have been placed in a pot. The lid is covered and you have been stuck in a season that is on hold, stagnant or done. You have felt many injustices and have struggled to keep up with hope. There have been idols in your life attempting to pin you down. I your God delivers you. I your God sees you. I you God does not forget about His people. There will be a time of harvest for you that will be beyond what you have ever pictured. Be ready.
Step out, to step In.
You see, when I pull you, I take you to places that are unseen. I take you in directions with no map, with what seems like no purpose, no fruit and dry land. Take courage, for you do not know My ways. My ways are good, on time and will bring you to the well of life. Your real purpose for life.
In order to move in my direction, you must step out, and step In.
I your God has also come to expose light from darkness. This year will see many moments where the heart of man will be exposed and reproved. Change in people will come quickly and swiftly. Be ready to welcome this change. Be ready to forgive. Be ready to direct.
To see with my lens, one must step out to step In.