Stuck On Pause
Swiftly, quickly and all of a sudden. Summer is winding down before our eyes and with it bringing a new season right around the corner.
Even though the seasons are taking a new route, sometimes our lives feel like they are doing the exact opposite. Things seem like they have been on hold or stuck on pause. These dry seasons of no growth, no hope and no vision can take a toll on even the most well versed Believer.
Promotion is the word for August.
This does not necessarily mean money or status, but rather moving into a season of “bringing out,” or “furnishing,” according to its Greek definitions.
In order to furnish something, one must have set aside, time and effort to make themselves ready. It’s interesting to note that the word, “furnish,” in Greek means to “complete’ and “equip fully.” So, if you are in a season of pause that seems abrasive or even fearful please know that your God sees you! Nothing is coincidence and absolutely no time is wasted in His books!
We often think that we know what’s best for ourselves and may even think we can outsmart God. Sorry to disappoint, but your life is not your own and you have a specific purpose under heaven…time to walk in it!
If hopelessness has been your theme song, it’s time to rewrite the verses. Waiting is hard but not walking into your God given purpose is even harder. Let’s take these so called, “pause” seasons as a time of becoming fully equipped and awaken into what God has assigned for your life.
And so, we leave you with this Word,
“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him,” (Colossians 1:16).