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It’s true, that the fight for truth and what should be deemed as true and truth is truthfully more and more difficult as time moves forward. It’s true!

This 5 letter bombshell of a word has the ability to make us uncomfortable, stretch us, make us angry, and resent what we have ever came to know and understand as truth. Everyone has their own basis or perspective of truth, but they can’t all be right or true.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that with more time that passes us each day, truth and what is deemed as morally correct becomes a bit fuzzy and diluted. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that what we are doing, or saying, or thinking is right or just, but without God becoming the referee in our lives it can quickly become a slippery slope without us even realizing it!

Maybe you’re in that position now. Maybe you are in a situation that seems okay and alright. After all, no one is getting hurt, you’ve prayed long and hard about it and believe it is the right way to be or direction to follow. Sometimes even when we pray about things, we can easily persuade our own self that something is good and right. We often justify this behaviour by bending the rules a little and thinking God won’t notice or mind. We create our “own” God and our “own” truth so to speak to justify our desires and wants. Who are we trying to kid?!

Some good pointers to evaluate a situation and point you in a better direction are:

  • Read God’s Word on the subject (the Bible). He won’t steer you wrong.

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity and be open to accept this wisdom.

  • Lay your own motive and desires. It’s really not about you!

  • Lose the sense of entitlement. The world owes you nothing. God owes you everything and wants the best for you.

  • If God is telling you to wait, know that a better outcome is on the way.

  • If God is telling you, do not, then do not.

When we try to fight what is true and honourable, we are really creating idols in our life. We can spend so much time chasing, sustaining, pursuing, and watering what is actually not good for us, we can sometimes forget what we actually need.

Even as time continues to run its course and as the world more and more continues to celebrate and glorify lethal cocktails, know that God’s truth stands the test of time. It doesn’t have to be altered, made to be more palatable, more watered down, fit into a box, fit into a closet, voted in, published, softened or bent to fit a certain standard or social norm/law. It stands the test of time and is not going anywhere. True story!

Truth can be a tough one to swallow, especially if we do not realize we need it in the first place or believe we are more educated and resilient to God’s noble truth. Let’s face it, walking away and out of His truth is unsustainable and dangerous. Life on this planet does not exist without a moral governor, if it did, chaos would sure to exude! It's easy to pick out the absence of truth today when truth is pushed to the side. Without truth, people are walking more lonely and more confused lives than ever before. What is the missing component society is missing? The truth of God that will forever override any truth that is truth for a moment on this Earth. Truth will truly set you free friend!

And so, we leave you with this word,

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth, (2 Timothy 2:15).



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We make it a mission to connect girls and women with a lifestyle that empowers them to be who God calls and says they are. This new life will seek to please the Lord in a way that is dignified, righteous, and steadfast.

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